How To Create Your Ultimate Resumé and Cover letter

Simple Ways To Write A Cover Letter

  • Name
  • Current home address
  • Telephone number
  • Email and/or website
  • Logo (if available)


  • Why you are interested in the company and this position
  • What experience and skills you have that would make
    you a strong candidate
  • Show your personality and enthusiasm
  • A summary of your key qualifications that match the
    employer’s needs
  • A good first paragraph is critical to a successful cover
  • letter, because employers often decide whether it is
  • worth reading the rest of your material at this stage.
  • Employers respond best to cover letters which show
    your enthusiasm for the job and their company. They
    want to see original letters that are tailored specifically
    to the advertised position and/or company.
  • Demonstrate why you are an excellent candidate for
    this job. Capture the employer’s attention by showing
    your knowledge about the industry, the company or the
    advertised job. This is where the research you have
    done will be very useful.
  • The next two-three paragraphs are where you provide
    the supporting examples of the skills/experiences you
    described in the first paragraph. You can illustrate them
    with examples.
  • These can be some of the same examples included in
    your resume, though it is always best to have at least
    one that is different or more detailed.

It’s not about you It’s about how you can help the employer

  • Read the job ad carefully. Identify the key
    challenges your future employer is facing. Then,
    explain how you can help them
  • Emphasize how your expertise will help solve their
    problems. You can use bullet points to break up the
    text and highlight your achievements
  • Explain your motivation. Once they understand they
    want you, they’ll want to know why you want them
  • The last paragraph is short and businesslike.
  • Many employers state they like to see a link back
    to the original match statement made in the
    opening paragraph to reinforce your fit and
  • Your assumption is that they will want to see you,
    so your language should reflect your confidence.
  • Keep it short. A cover letter is meant to be a
    summary of your resume, so don’t write more than
    one page.
  • Simple, easy-to-read fonts are best for cover letters.
    Use a professional font like Arial, Calibri, Verdana,
    Helvetica, Cambria, or Times New Roman. Avoid
    custom fonts or special characters.
  • Keep the cover letter font size between 11 and 12 pt.

See Ways to Write a simple resumé.

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